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Signs+Decal Initiatives

Signs+Decal is now the preeminent sign company in New York and one of the nation's leading architectural fabricators for major transportation, mixed-use and infrastructure projects. Click here for a brief history of Signs+Decal.


With over 50 years of experience, Signs+Decal’s Academy of Signage and Graphics Technology represents the need for hiring qualified fabrication professionals for architectural signage.


Signage and graphics are a multi-billion dollar industry in the U.S. The Signs+Decal Institute has developed a comprehensive curriculum, built to teach sign fabrication reflective of American and international standards.

Students working at S+D

Students: Gordon Qu and Wang Ching Wong

Student: Nicole Akten

Student: Nicole Akten

Signs+Decal Internship Program

The formal internship program for the institute includes providing students from the Fashion Institute of Technology BFA program an overview of sign fabrication as a continuation of their construction-oriented curriculum. Students seeking a more advanced education can apply to the formal internship program. The program accepts up to three students yearly. Interns are paid a small stipend to participate in training on a variety of fabrication, documentation and project management techniques. As part of the program interns must document these processes as a digital or video document.

Signage fabrication

Student: Jolie O'Brien

Spring 2021 Program

The first program in 2019 had one senior participant, Laura Mickity. Because we were still in the midst of the Covid epidemic the first internship focused on more hands-on fabrication in the shop. The student was required to participate in a number of shop tasks including welding, metal connections and document review while creating her work. She also developed her own mini-project using the tools developed in the shop.

Light box drawing
Light box project summary
Spring 2022 Program

The Spring 2022 program had two senior student participants, Gordon Qu and Wang Ching Wong from the Fashion Institute of Technology Spatial Experience Design Program. The two students were tasked with creating videos based on their participation in the fabrication process. These videos will be used both as part of the Institute’s educational programs and as a guide for future internship programs.

Gordon Qu and Wang Ching Wong participated in a number of the fabrication methodologies at Signs+Decal. The two interns worked closely with the Signs+Decal team which served as both instructors and guides to the process. The videos show a step-by-step checklist of a number of different processes. Process videos developed as part of the internship program

Student working
Students working

Students: Gordon Qu and Wang Ching Wong

Spring 2023 Program

The Spring and Summer 2023 program included two interns, Gabriel Hottinger and Srishti Ranjan. The goal of the program was to focus on large-scale processes for project management and administration. Projects include videos and workflow diagrams.

Process Flow Chart

© 2023 by Signs&Decal Institute

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